IGL-Foreign Education Firm


The following documents are mandatory for the registration and have to be produced at the time of registration.

  • The IGL (International German Language Foreign Education Firm) service fee is non-refundable in all circumstances and is only valid for 12 months from the date of registration.
  • IGL and their ‘’Counsellors” does not guarantee application success.
  • Giving false or misleading information concerning all required documentation (such as financial, employment history, academic, travel, and others) will result in a ban from the study country you are applying to. It would also lead to a visa refusal which, in turn, would mean a 10-years ban on applying for a visa. Neither IGL nor the Counsellor will be responsible for such outcomes.
  • You are expected to have completed the proper documentation. Neither IGL nor the Counsellor will accept any liability for failure in this area.
  • An offer from an IGL Partner Institution and or IGL non-Partner Institution is at the sole discretion of that institution. IGL plays no part in such decision making.
  • If you fail to obtain an offer from your chosen IGL Partner Institution or are not granted a student visa for your chosen study country you can apply to another IGL Partner Institution in the same study country or reapply for a student visa in the same IGL study country at no extra cost. However, if a new application is made (after you fail to obtain an offer or fail to obtain a student visa) to another IGL student country then you will be required to pay another registration fee.
  • The Student (“you” or “your”) must not, at any time, pay any monies into the Counsellor's personal bank account. If it can be shown that you have, then IGL will conduct an internal investigation and any progress on your application(s) will be halted until such time as the investigation has been completed6. All necessary documents for institution application must be submitted before processing commences.
  • In case of transfer of application funds to the institution/University, it is the responsibility of the student to verify with the Bank the exact amount credited to the institution’s/University’s account.
  • If you decide to withdraw your application(s) from IGL after the payment of an application fee and submission of said application(s), before an offer has been received, you (or your sponsor(s) shall not be entitled to a refund of all or part of the Fees paid.
  • IGL reserves the right to cancel your application should there be any doubt of authenticity for visa consideration at any stage of the application process.